OwnFone Mobile for Telecare
Our WEARABLE mobile telecare solution
OwnFone Mobile is a cost effective, secure and reliable way of providing telecare which is truly mobile.
Our Mobile is pre-programmed to your Alarm Receiving Centre and cannot be deleted. A simple press of the call button connects your client to you immediately.
Unlike traditional pendant alarms, the OwnFone Mobile allows the user freedom and independence outside the home, whilst still providing care if needed.
The handsets are fully customised to your branding so are less stigmatising for the user as they look and feel like a little mobile phone.
Using a fully roaming SIM, OwnFone Mobile will automatically connect to the strongest available network.
We are members of the TSA (Telecare Services Association) and BHTA (British Healthcare Trades Association) and comply with the Trading Standards code of conduct.
“I have enjoyed the one to one service we have received, I can honestly say OwnFone is a great initiative with a first class friendly service”