Wearable GPS Device for Lone Workers
Keeping your staff safe
What is a lone worker?
Lone workers are people who work without close supervision or by themselves. Lone workers range from security, nursing, maintenance and care workers through to field sales people and those working alone in workshops and factories.
Your responsibility as an employer
As an employer you are legally responsible for the health and safety of all your workers. The law requires you to have run risk assessments for people working alone, making sure they are adequately protected from any health and safety risks. Being a lone worker should not put them at any more risk than other employees.
What is a lone working device?
"A lone work device (LWD)/lone worker application (LWA) encourages and forms part of an LW dynamic risk assessment. In the event of an incident, it enables the LW to transmit their identity and location easily and discreetly in order to request assistance when they feel threatened or at risk."
BS8484 2016 (British Standard for lone working)
Why chose Footprint?
Footprint is BS8484 compliant and has additional features to those recommended. It is a discrete, secure and wearable device that provides immediate contact at time of incident.
As a company we work in close partnership with lone working consultants and certified monitoring companies to provide you an end to end solution for your lone workers if required.
We work with you through the process, establishing your needs and tailor making our service to fit you. We can assist in documentation required in risk assessment, staff data collection and training to make your lone working implementation as easy as possible.
“Providing for the safety and security of Lone Workers can lead to greater productivity and better retention through increased protection for the Lone Worker. It also provides improved protection for the organisation against H&S and Corporate Manslaughter legislation. Incorporating effective policies and procedures into an organisation’s daily operations is the most effective way of achieving such protection.”
Footprint is an ideal lone working device for those wanting a discreet and reliable standalone product.
The user can wear on a lanyard or store on their keys with the accessories provided. Footprint is configured to either an alarm receiving centre or line manager with an escalation process in place.
In the event of the user needing assistance they simply press the button and are instantly connected to their contact in a handsfree conversation. SMS and email alerts are also sent at time of call if required.
Our secure web portal receives regular location information to provide real time tracking and stores all data received. This can be used to provide reporting if an incident has occurred and for risk management.
Footprint is BS8484 (British Standard lone working) compliant and is currently undertaking the UMO platform partnership programme.
OwnFone can offer monitoring services for lone working use in partnership with fully vetted and certified companies.
"When working on my own during July 2016 I left a property and was walking back towards my vehicle. On route I could hear shouting and was aware that there was a domestic dispute happening.
One of the people involved assaulted a member of the public with a bottle.
I pressed my Footprint and broke up the fighting. Whilst standing in between the members of public the staff in the office were able to hear all that was going on, without me having to speak the staff could use the Footprint Finder platform to get my location and arrange for police to attend at the same time.
By having the Footprint call through to our monitoring centre the call was automatically recorded and this recording has been provided to the police for them to present as evidence during the Magistrates court case."
Business Development Manager
Forestcare, Bracknell Forest Council
Read our Footprint Case Study in the Articles section. A fascinating look into how the Footprint can help lives.